What Is The Best Time for Hunting Brown Bear?

 The brown bear is the world's giant bear, living in the mountains and forests of North America, Asia, and Europe. Brown bears are primarily solitary animals but can be spotted in groups during feasting seasons such as the Alaskan Salmon run.

Brown bears can weigh between 180-1,300 pounds and stand between 2.4 and 5 feet tall when measured from the shoulder. Brown bear hunting can be particularly dangerous as it can be highly aggressive, especially if you find yourself between a mother and her pups.

Knowing the best time to hunt brown bears in Alaska is essential, but there are a few more things to consider.

8 Variables To Consider When Hunting Brown Bear

Here are the eight variables to be considered when brown bear hunting:

  • Location: 

Brown bears can be found in diverse habitat types. While they prefer European mountain woodlands, North American brown bears are found mainly in alpine meadows and coasts.

  • Solunar Calendar: 

According to a theory given by John Alden Knight in 1926, animal evolution is influenced by the position and fullness of the moon. This thesis was said to been used by huntsmen and fishermen long before Knight's idea was reported and is still widely accepted and adopted today for hunting.

  • Time of Year: 

Like the black bear, a brown bear can be hunted in most regions during the spring and fall seasons. While both seasons expand brown bear activity, many hunters prefer the fall months as bears actively hunt for food before the winter.

  • Time of Day:

 In the spring and fall, brown bears can be spotted hunting for food throughout the day. However, the ideal times to increase your chances of a brown bear sighting are in the early morning and evening hours.

  • Temperature:

 Brown bears are most active in the cooler months before and after winter, when they are looking for food to prepare for winter or bulk up after hibernation.

  • Barometric Pressure: 

Brown bears do not appear to be affected much by barometric pressure changes. However, like most animals, bears tend to be most active during the coolest time of the day.

  • General Weather Conditions:

Like other bear varieties, brown bear activity is not significantly affected by general weather situations. However, brown bears have a powerful sense of smell, so weather involving powerful winds is not perfect for hunting.

  • Wind: 

As mentioned above, the wind is one of the essential aspects when hunting brown bears. Because bears have a good sense of smell, so it is critical to position oneself downwind of them and plan your hunt for days in calm winds.

If you want Alaska bear hunting, go with a professional guide to get a better hunting experience.


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